Headshot credit to Chris “CJ” Jeff – Instagram: @AkidnameCJ
What would life be like without art? That I cannot imagine because for me the two are intertwined. Life is art. I am art. Without art many things would not exist as we know them. If at all. From architecture to product and textile design, and everything in between. Even nature is art. Birds are colorful and shaped in a variety of beautiful ways. They themselves are artists with their weaving of nests. What inspires you? I am sensory inspired. Nature is a large inspiration for most of my work. Whether direct or imaginary depictions of birds, flowers, bugs, humans or other mammals, I am inspired by all that I see. I am also very tactile inspired. If I am working with textiles their texture gives me a sense of direction or where that piece fits into the project. And a good song on the radio can inspire many different pieces of art and dance breaks! What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t listen to the adults. You can make a living as an artist. Go to art school, take advantage of all the networking opportunities and study abroad. Go to art shows and introduce yourself to the artists. Ask the artists who are doing interesting things to coffee so you can learn what they did, what they do and any advice they have for you. Fortunately, my younger self never stopped making art. For me creating is a way of life, just wasn’t a mainstream of income until recently. What is the best advice you’ve been given? Quit your day job. Take the leap of faith. Trust in yourself. List out all your accomplishments. There are more than you thought. And they are impressive.
Trashion Show photo credits to Lucas Gordon Photography – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucasgordonphotography/
If you could change anything about the art world, what would it be? Have living wages so artists could thrive, not just survive. I would change this so it would not be just relying on grants, but actual paid work. The work is out there, but not enough for the number of artists. I would also include free universal healthcare as medical bills cause many downfalls for artists. How has personal experience influenced your creativity? I received an inaugural California Creative Corps in 2023. It felt like winning the lotto. I immediately wanted to run through my day job screaming I am outta here! But I didn’t, not right away. This grant not only had a positive financial impact, but it matched me with a local nonprofit, The Jewel Box Children’s Theater that I had never heard of before. We immediately clicked. Our personal and professional missions/goals aligned perfectly. We started working together right away. On the Creative Corps project, Trashion Show Long Beach, and other projects that I do. Even though the grant ended on Jun 30, 2024, we are still working together and are planning many future projects. This experience directly gave me people who I can trust to bounce ideas off of, edit copy for me, promote my art, and more. They also cheerlead all I do, and that is always helpful to have in your corner as you expand your creativity beyond your comfort zone. Especially helpful as I navigate the art world without the cushion of a day job. A goal I continually strive to maintain.
Trashion Show Photo Credit Kristine Schomaker