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Artist Spotlight: Mark Indig


Updated: Nov 20, 2024

Mark Indig Studio Photo by Mark Indig

What does a day in your art practice look like? Many of my projects are road trip-based and in other states or countries. So up before dawn, shower and breakfast, then 10-12 hours driving/walking/shooting, then find a hotel, dinner, then upload, back up and edit for another couple of hours.

What is the hardest part of creating your art? Getting it seen.

Eastpoint Florida Photo By Mark Indig

If you could change anything about the art world, what would it be? The “pay to play” exhibitions and reviews.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work? As I’m doing what I love and creating what I want, this is never a problem.

How has personal experience influenced your creativity? The trial-by-fire of scouting locations for films and commercials (see below) forced me to literally learn how to use a camera (a Polaroid 195 at the beginning) and to find and capture the “soul” of a place quickly and artfully to match ideas in a script. I now apply those skills to my own interests.

Quebec Province Photo by Mark Indig

What do you wish to accomplish with your art? Simple things can be complex and complex things can be simple. For viewers to linger with the work.

What are your words of wisdom for someone starting out in your field? Get a day job. Take the financial pressure off.

Vincent Thomas Bridge Photo by Mark Indig

How do you make the leap from an idea in your head to the action you produce? I spent 42 years in film production as a Studio Executive, Unit Production Manager and Producer on many very big films, including one of the biggest hits of all time and one of the biggest flops. But my first 15 years were as a Location Scout/Manager. My job was to research, find and manage the locations that fit the script and the director’s vision. I use those same skills for my personal work now in planning and executing a photo project, but with my own vision and much simpler logistics.

Mark Indig Photo by Jeffrey Beer

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